

Since 2013, we've believed that real estate investors could benefit from the power of modern technology and tailored industry expertise. In just a few years, we’ve built an industry-leading team and a powerful technology platform that delivers flexibility, speed, and simplicity that our customers rely on. Together, we've funded more than $23B in loans, unlocked $4.1+ billion of value for real estate investors to help them scale their businesses, and completed over 85,000 projects. As we look to our future, we're committed to helping real estate investors revitalize the approximately $25 trillion worth of aged U.S. housing stock to provide move-in ready homes and rental housing for millions of Americans across the country.

Kiavi customer enjoying the sun

Meet Kiavi

Our name Kiavi comes from the phonetic representation of the Italian word 'chiave' which means key. We provide the intelligence to act, the timely capital to fund opportunities and the confidence investors need to scale their businesses and unlock the value of America's aged homes.

Boundless opportunity

Boundless opportunity

65% of American homes are over 30 years old. And as the demand for move-in ready homes continues to grow, residential real estate investors are needed more than ever. To deliver on this, real estate investors require timely capital and fast technology to efficiently buy a property, manage renovations, sell a home, or make it available to rent.

End outdated, slow processes

Real estate investors looking to revitalize aged homes are often faced with outdated processes and unreliable funding. Antiquated technology, endless paperwork, and unpredictable returns leave investors with a variety of unsupported needs that keep them from reaching their full potential.

Person closing new loan on tablet easily

Speed to close. Power to scale.

Kiavi has the unique ability to empower real estate investors to act quickly by providing faster decision-making tools and support as well as the capital they need, when they need it. Our technology platform removes traditional barriers and allows investors to confidently grow their businesses.


$23+ billion

of loans funded



projects funded


45 states + DC

where we lend

Starting a new home improvement project

Reaching new horizons

We’re proud to empower real estate investors to unlock the value of aged homes. In doing so, we’re supporting their goals as well as playing a part in revitalizing neighborhoods and delivering move-in-ready homes for families across the country.

Let's Connect