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From Paper to Pixels: The Rise of Data-Driven Lending Platforms

Written by Deanna Lubin | May 29

Since the advent of the Internet, mortgage lending companies have had to pivot their business practices to keep up with the demands of an increasingly online customer base. But while technology has continued to advance at the speed of light, the lending process remains largely stuck in the past.

Still driven by paperwork processes and phone calls, the industry has been long overdue for a reckoning – and we are finally seeing that shift beginning to take hold. As a result, the next wave of lending technology is poised to provide a sophisticated, data-driven digital experience.

The evolution of lending: From local banks to global digital platforms

In the past, the mortgage lending process – both for residential and investment properties – heavily relied on trust and local knowledge. Borrowers would typically engage with lenders directly, often at a bank or similar institution, where decisions were made based on personal relationships and manual verification processes.

The introduction of computers into the banking industry in the mid-20th century marked the first significant shift toward technology-based lending. Early computers were used to manage accounts and track transactions more efficiently.

With the dawn of the Internet in the late 20th century, online banking became a reality. With it, a world of untapped potential emerged through online lending platforms. Starting as simple loan origination web forms, borrowers could input their details and receive a phone call from a broker.

As software evolved and data analysis became more robust, many lenders saw an opportunity to reevaluate and transform their processes. This transformation broadened the accessibility of lending, allowing borrowers from a wider geographic area to access funds for their perfect investment property. Now, they can secure financing without visiting a bank in person.

The rise of digital lending platforms, data and customization

In recent years, digital lending platforms have taken the capabilities introduced by the Internet to new heights, cutting through the logistical red tape to offer comprehensive services like automated decision-making and instant quotes. A pioneer in lending fintech, Kiavi's sophisticated platform has long been ahead of the curve, using technology to simplify the application process while at the same time offering borrowers more transparency in pricing and terms.

This shift from manual, relationship-based transactions to digital, data-driven interactions has been profound. Borrowers can now enter their details online at any time of the day and receive immediate feedback on their loan terms, significantly speeding up the buying process.

Leveraging data for customized lending solutions

The real game-changer in modern lending has been the myriad ways data can be collected and utilized. Advanced analytics and machine learning algorithms allow lenders to assess risk more accurately and tailor products to individual borrowers' needs. Kiavi, for example, uses the personal data from potential borrowers to calculate loan terms and collects valuable data on the properties themselves.

Whether a real estate investor is looking for a loan to fund fix-and-flip or infill construction, they can plug a property's address into Kiavi's pricing calculator, which instantly analyzes the property's valuation and investment opportunity along with historical data trends and current market dynamics to forecast property values in the future. This system provides the borrower with better certainty in loan terms upfront – a critical factor for real estate investors who often need to make quick decisions.

Kiavi's innovative pricing calculator

Kiavi, as a hard money lender for real estate investors, employs a different approach compared to traditional mortgage lenders. Using data-driven technology, Kiavi focuses more on the potential of the property and the project rather than the borrower's personal finances. This method is effective because hard money loans are typically backed by the property itself. In contrast, traditional mortgages emphasize the borrower's creditworthiness and financial history.

For example, while most traditional lenders require bank statements to assess whether a borrower can manage a loan—especially for more extensive, riskier projects—Kiavi's model demonstrates that a borrower's cash reserves do not necessarily predict their success in flipping a property. As a result, we often do not require such details from our borrowers unless the project is particularly extensive. This streamlined approach, focusing on the property rather than personal financial details, allows for a quicker and more efficient lending process.

Additionally, while common real estate knowledge may dictate that the longer a borrower holds onto a property before refinancing it, the better it will be for both the borrower and the property, our data analysis has found that the opposite is true. The quicker a property is fixed up and refinanced, the better it tends to do from an ROI perspective. These crucial insights enable lenders like Kiavi to streamline their processes by relying more on data than traditional lending models allow.

The next frontier: AI and the future of lending

As new technology continues to emerge, artificial intelligence (AI) is set to play an even more significant role in the next evolution of lending. AI can streamline complex processes, such as credit assessments and risk analysis, reducing the need for human intervention and allowing for even faster and more accurate decision-making. Companies like Kiavi are beginning to experiment with AI to automate internal policies and decision-making processes, making the lending experience smoother and more efficient for borrowers and lenders.

Despite the rapid advancements in technology, the transition to digital lending has not been without its challenges, which will persist in the future. Investing in technology and customizing digital tools to specific business needs can be significant barriers for smaller lenders. Moreover, while technology can streamline many aspects of lending, a human touch still matters in real estate, a sector in which personal relationships and trust will always play a vital role.

The wrap-up

The history of technology in lending reflects broader trends in the financial services industry, where innovation has continually driven change and improvement. Technology has transformed how lenders operate and interact with their borrowers, from the manual, paper-based processes of the past to today's sophisticated, data-driven digital platforms. Looking toward the future, technology will continue to shape the lending landscape, making it more efficient, transparent and accessible for all.